MyWorld, LLC

22 posts
Nov 24, 2020

WaveFront - Real-time GOAP Planning

Planning algorithms are a central part of just about any game's artificial intelligence system. Many games require players to plan out what they're going to do to accomplish some goal - for example,

Aug 22, 2020

Dev Blog - Windows!

We're as busy as ever with the alpha test and new development, but since we've stopped posting our monthly Meetup notes things have been quiet here on the blog! After some discussion among

Nov 2, 2019

MyWorld Meetup - 11/2/19

Updates: * The design for the permissions system is finalized and partially implemented. * We had originally planned on using a role-based permissions system. However, as we prepared to implement it we saw a number

Oct 5, 2019

MyWorld Meetup – 10/5/19

Announcements: * The Plugin SDK is ready for release! * MyWorld has a powerful plugin mechanism on both the server and the client. The SDK provides plugin developers with a toolkit for using industry standard

Oct 5, 2019

MyWorld Meetup – 9/7/19

Announcements: * We’re postponing alpha – time estimates are difficult to make, and we’re not going to be able to make a release by the end of September. We do not have a

Aug 25, 2019

MyWorld Meetup - 8/10/19

Updates: * Alpha date: unfortunately we won’t be able to release by September 1st. We’re setting the new goal date at the end of September/beginning of October and will keep you

Jul 19, 2019

MyWorld Meetup - 7/6/19

Updates: * The scripting engine is almost done! * Almost all language features for v1.0 are complete. * Virtual machine is much faster than most existing LSL implementations Discussion: * Q (Zauberin) – Will the scripting language

Jul 19, 2019

MyWorld Meetup - 6/15/19

Discussion: * No updates right now, but wanted to talk a bit about AI in MyWorld (Note: This is still highly tentative and mostly in planning/design stages right now. Any features discussed may

Jun 2, 2019

MyWorld Meetup – 6/1/2019

Discussion: * Work is progressing on initial world generator design * There are many aspects that need to be addressed – generating an interesting world, handling modifications made by users, updating/improving algorithms later, etc. * Many

May 25, 2019

MyWorld Meetup – 5/25/19

Announcements: * MyWorld has switched from the Cassandra database to CockroachDB. * In the last few months, we’ve been moving from a more traditional world model to a “regionless” world, where the world is

May 11, 2019

MyWorld Meetup – 5/11/19

Discussion: * Virtual – what viewers will MyWorld be compatible with? * MyWorld is completely separate technology from OpenSimulator and the Second Life ecosystem. As such, it has its own client – Second Life viewers will not

Apr 27, 2019

MyWorld Meetup – 4/27/19

Update (Daniel): * We’re continuing to progress towards alpha as fast as possible. This week saw some new experiments aimed at accelerating UI development, with initial results looking very promising. * MyWorld now has